Cecor recomienda instalar una torre de control en el aeródromo de Mutxamel

Cecor lleva a cabo un estudio para evaluar el ruido provocado por el aeródromo de Mutxamel, (Alicante) tras el cual se concluye que la actividad del mismo es compatible desde el punto de vista sonoro con la situación urbanística actual, cumpliendo la legislación sobre ruido a nivel estatal, autonómico y local.
No obstante, Cecor recomienda la instalación de una torre de control con el fin de orientar a las aeronaves en el aterrizaje y despegue e impedir que sobrevuelen la urbanización Río Park, cercana al aeródromo.
Así mismo, se propone la instalación de un sistema de control permanente para medir el impacto acústico del aeródromo y alrededores.
torre de control Mutxamel
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En el periódico La verdad
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3 Responses

  1. Cathy So glad to hear that your dog is enjoying Music to Calm your Canine Companion and Music for the Canine Household. To awesnr your question, yes, the noise at agility trials (particularly indoors) can be quite stressful for dogs (as well as humans). If she enjoys staying in the car, personally I’d keep her in there as long as possible (in a comfortable temperature) during trials. Maybe you could also bring a portable battery operated CD player to play the music of Through a Dog’s Ear for her. I have a trial this weekend that is in an equestrian center. There is an option to crate dogs upstairs, away from the noise, but still in view of the trial. It’s one of my favorite winter trials because of this option. Having a quiet place to hang out and still view the trial is relaxing for both me and my dog. Thanks again for your feedback.

  2. What do you think of the level of noise at indoor and oudtoor agility trials? My dog turns her back to the noise at oudtoor trials and wants to hide in the car at indoor trials. She loves both your the calming and the human work/dog be calm cds. Thanks for yours and Joshua’s work.

    1. Gracias por el comentario. La empresa explotadora del aeródromo ya ha instalado la torre de control y se ha llevado a otro lugar las pruebas de motor que tanto incomodan a su perro. Espero que la convivencia con el aeródromo sea mejor ahora.

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